'Upright' definitions:

Definition of 'upright'

From: WordNet
In a vertical position; not sloping; "an upright post" [syn: upright, unsloped]
Of moral excellence; "a genuinely good person"; "a just cause"; "an upright and respectable man" [syn: good, just, upright]
Upright in position or posture; "an erect stature"; "erect flower stalks"; "for a dog, an erect tail indicates aggression"; "a column still vertical amid the ruins"; "he sat bolt upright" [syn: erect, vertical, upright] [ant: unerect]
A vertical structural member as a post or stake; "the ball sailed between the uprights" [syn: upright, vertical]
A piano with a vertical sounding board [syn: upright, upright piano]

Definition of 'Upright'

  • Upright \Up"right`\, a. [AS. upright, uppriht. See Up, and Right, a.]
  • 1. In an erect position or posture; perpendicular; vertical, or nearly vertical; pointing upward; as, an upright tree. [1913 Webster]
  • With chattering teeth, and bristling hair upright. --Dryden. [1913 Webster]
  • All have their ears upright. --Spenser. [1913 Webster]
  • 2. Morally erect; having rectitude; honest; just; as, a man upright in all his ways. [1913 Webster]
  • And that man [Job] was perfect and upright. --Job i. 1. [1913 Webster]
  • 3. Conformable to moral rectitude. [1913 Webster]
  • Conscience rewards upright conduct with pleasure. --J. M. Mason. [1913 Webster]
  • 4. Stretched out face upward; flat on the back. [Obs.] " He lay upright." --Chaucer. [1913 Webster]
  • 5. (Golf) Designating a club in which the head is approximately at a right angle with the shaft. [Webster 1913 Suppl.]
  • Upright drill (Mach.), a drilling machine having the spindle vertical. [1913 Webster]
  • Note: This word and its derivatives are usually pronounced in prose with the accent on the first syllable. But they are frequently pronounced with the accent on the second in poetry, and the accent on either syllable is admissible. [1913 Webster]

Definition of 'Upright'

  • Upright \Up"right`\, n.
  • 1. Something standing upright, as a piece of timber in a building. See Illust. of Frame. [1913 Webster]
  • 2. (Basketwork) A tool made from a flat strip of steel with chisel edges at both ends, bent into horseshoe, the opening between the cutting edges being adjustable, used for reducing splits to skeins. Called in full {upright shave}. [Webster 1913 Suppl.]
  • 3. (Football) the vertical part of a goalpost, especially the part above the horizontal bar; as, a field goal directly between the uprights. [PJC]

Synonyms of 'upright'

From: Moby Thesaurus