'streamlined' definitions:

Definition of 'streamlined'

(from WordNet)
Made efficient by stripping off nonessentials; "short streamlined meetings"; "a streamlined hiring process"
Designed or arranged to offer the least resistant to fluid flow; "a streamlined convertible" [syn: streamlined, aerodynamic, flowing, sleek]

Definition of 'streamlined'

  • Streamline \Stream"line`\, a. Of or pert. to a stream line; designating a motion or flow that is free from turbulence, like that of a particle in a streamline; hence, designating a surface, body, etc., that is designed so as to afford an unbroken flow of a fluid about it, esp. when the resistance to flow is the least possible; as, a streamline body for an automobile or airship; -- the current usuage prefers the term streamlined. [Webster 1913 Suppl.]

Synonyms of 'streamlined'

From: Moby Thesaurus

Words containing 'streamlined'