'Splendid' definitions:

Definition of 'splendid'

From: WordNet
Having great beauty and splendor; "a glorious spring morning"; "a glorious sunset"; "splendid costumes"; "a kind of splendiferous native simplicity" [syn: glorious, resplendent, splendid, splendiferous]
Very good;of the highest quality; "made an excellent speech"; "the school has excellent teachers"; "a first-class mind" [syn: excellent, first-class, fantabulous, splendid]
Characterized by grandeur; "the brilliant court life at Versailles"; "a glorious work of art"; "magnificent cathedrals"; "the splendid coronation ceremony" [syn: brilliant, glorious, magnificent, splendid]

Definition of 'Splendid'

  • Splendid \Splen"did\, a. [L. splendidus, fr. splendere shine; cf. Lith. splend["e]ti: cf. F. splendide.]
  • 1. Possessing or displaying splendor; shining; very bright; as, a splendid sun. [1913 Webster]
  • 2. Showy; magnificent; sumptuous; pompous; as, a splendid palace; a splendid procession or pageant. [1913 Webster]
  • 3. Illustrious; heroic; brilliant; celebrated; famous; as, a splendid victory or reputation. [1913 Webster]

Synonyms of 'splendid'

From: Moby Thesaurus

Words containing 'Splendid'