'Commendable' definitions:

Definition of 'commendable'

From: WordNet
In an admirable manner; "the children's responses were admirably normal" [syn: admirably, laudably, praiseworthily, commendable]
Worthy of high praise; "applaudable efforts to save the environment"; "a commendable sense of purpose"; "laudable motives of improving housing conditions"; "a significant and praiseworthy increase in computer intelligence" [syn: applaudable, commendable, laudable, praiseworthy]

Definition of 'Commendable'

  • Commendable \Com*mend"a*ble\, a.
  • Note: (Formerly accented on the first syllable.) [L. commendabilis.] Worthy of being commended or praised; laudable; praiseworthy. [1913 Webster]
  • Order and decent ceremonies in the church are not only comely but commendable. --Bacon. -- {Com*mend"a*ble*ness}, n. -- {Com*mend"a*bly}, adv. [1913 Webster]