'Sagacious' definitions:

Definition of 'sagacious'

From: WordNet
Acutely insightful and wise; "much too perspicacious to be taken in by such a spurious argument"; "observant and thoughtful, he was given to asking sagacious questions"; "a source of valuable insights and sapient advice to educators" [syn: perspicacious, sagacious, sapient]
Skillful in statecraft or management; "an astute and sagacious statesman"

Definition of 'Sagacious'

  • Sagacious \Sa*ga"cious\, a. [L. sagax, sagacis, akin to sagire to perceive quickly or keenly, and probably to E. seek. See Seek, and cf. Presage.]
  • 1. Of quick sense perceptions; keen-scented; skilled in following a trail. [1913 Webster]
  • Sagacious of his quarry from so far. --Milton. [1913 Webster]
  • 2. Hence, of quick intellectual perceptions; of keen penetration and judgment; discerning and judicious; knowing; far-sighted; shrewd; sage; wise; as, a sagacious man; a sagacious remark. [1913 Webster]
  • Instinct . . . makes them, many times, sagacious above our apprehension. --Dr. H. More. [1913 Webster]
  • Only sagacious heads light on these observations, and reduce them into general propositions. --Locke. [1913 Webster]
  • Syn: See Shrewd. [1913 Webster] -- {Sa*ga"cious*ly}, adv. -- {Sa*ga"cious*ness}, n. [1913 Webster]

Words containing 'Sagacious'