'Cosmopolitan' definitions:
Definition of 'cosmopolitan'
From: WordNet
Growing or occurring in many parts of the world; "a cosmopolitan herb"; "cosmopolitan in distribution" [syn: cosmopolitan, widely distributed] [ant: endemic]
Composed of people from or at home in many parts of the world; especially not provincial in attitudes or interests; "his cosmopolitan benevolence impartially extended to all races and to all creeds"- T.B. Macaulay; "the ancient and cosmopolitan societies of Syria and Egypt"; "that queer, cosmopolitan, rather sinister crowd found around the Marseilles docks" [ant: provincial]
Of worldwide scope or applicability; "an issue of cosmopolitan import"; "the shrewdest political and ecumenical comment of our time"- Christopher Morley; "universal experience" [syn: cosmopolitan, ecumenical, oecumenical, general, universal, worldwide, world- wide]
A sophisticated person who has travelled in many countries [syn: cosmopolitan, cosmopolite]
Definition of 'Cosmopolitan'
- Cosmopolitan \Cos`mo*pol"i*tan\ (-p?l"?-tan), Cosmopolite \Cos*mop"o*lite\ (k?z-m?p"?-l?t), n. [Gr. kosmopoli`ths; ko`smos the world + poli`ths citizen, po`lis city: cf. F. cosmopolitain, cosmopolite.] One who has no fixed residence, or who is at home in every place; a citizen of the world. [1913 Webster] Cosmopolitan
Definition of 'Cosmopolitan'
- Cosmopolitan \Cos`mo*pol"i*tan\, Cosmopolite \Cos*mop"o*lite\, a.
- 1. Having no fixed residence; at home in any place; free from local attachments or prejudices; not provincial; liberal. [1913 Webster]
- In other countries taste is perphaps too exclusively national, in Germany it is certainly too cosmopolite. --Sir W. Hamilton. [1913 Webster]
- 2. Common everywhere; widely spread; found in all parts of the world. [1913 Webster]
- The Cheiroptera are cosmopolitan. --R. Owen. [1913 Webster]
Synonyms of 'cosmopolitan'
From: Moby Thesaurus
- all-comprehending,
- all-comprehensive,
- all-covering,
- all-embracing,
- all-encompassing,
- all-filling,
- all-including,
- all-inclusive,
- all-pervading,
- allover,
- blase,
- braw,
- broad,
- broad-gauged,
- broad-minded,
- catholic,
- chic,
- citizen,
- citizen by adoption,
- city slicker,
- civic,
- civil,
- classy,
- clothes-conscious,
- common,
- communal,
- cosmopolite,
- country-wide,
- dapper,
- dashing,
- dressed to advantage,
- dressed to kill,
- ecumenic,
- ecumenical,
- ecumenistic,
- elegant,
- experienced,
- exquisite,
- galactic,
- general,
- genteel,
- hyphenate,
- hyphenated American,
- immigrant,
- international,
- jaunty,
- knowing,
- man of experience,
- man-about-town,
- mature,
- matured,
- metic,
- national,
- natty,
- naturalized citizen,
- neat,
- nifty,
- nobby,
- nondenominational,
- noninsular,
- nonnative citizen,
- nonsectarian,
- not born yesterday,
- old,
- planetary,
- posh,
- practiced,
- public,
- recherche,
- ripe,
- ripened,
- ritzy,
- sagacious,
- seasoned,
- sharp,
- sleek,
- slicker,
- smart,
- smug,
- snazzy,
- social,
- societal,
- soigne,
- soignee,
- sophisticate,
- sophisticated,
- spacious of mind,
- spiffy,
- spruce,
- state,
- style-conscious,
- subject,
- supranational,
- swank,
- swanky,
- swell,
- total,
- traveled,
- tricksy,
- tried,
- tried and true,
- trig,
- trim,
- unbigoted,
- unfanatical,
- unhidebound,
- universal,
- unparochial,
- unprovincial,
- veteran,
- well-dressed,
- well-groomed,
- well-traveled,
- wide,
- wide-minded,
- world-wide,
- world-wise,
- worldly,
- worldly-wise