'Rosary' definitions:

Definition of 'rosary'

From: WordNet
A string of beads used in counting prayers (especially by Catholics) [syn: rosary, prayer beads]

Definition of 'Rosary'

  • Rosary \Ro"sa*ry\, n.; pl. Rosaries. [LL. rosarium a string of beads, L. rosarium a place planted with roses, rosa a rose: cf. F. rosaire. See Rose.]
  • 1. A bed of roses, or place where roses grow. "Thick rosaries of scented thorn." --Tennyson. [1913 Webster]
  • 2. (R.C.Ch.) A series of prayers (see Note below) arranged to be recited in order, on beads; also, a string of beads by which the prayers are counted. [1913 Webster]
  • His idolized book, and the whole rosary of his prayers. --Milton. [1913 Webster]
  • Note: A rosary consists of fifteen decades. Each decade contains ten Ave Marias marked by small beads, preceded by a Paternoster, marked by a larger bead, and concluded by a Gloria Patri. Five decades make a chaplet, a third part of the rosary. --Bp. Fitzpatrick. [1913 Webster]
  • 3. A chapelet; a garland; a series or collection, as of beautiful thoughts or of literary selections. [1913 Webster]
  • Every day propound to yourself a rosary or chaplet of good works to present to God at night. --Jer. Taylor. [1913 Webster]
  • 4. A coin bearing the figure of a rose, fraudulently circulated in Ireland in the 13th century for a penny. [1913 Webster]
  • Rosary shell (Zool.), any marine gastropod shell of the genus Monodonta. They are top-shaped, bright-colored and pearly. [1913 Webster]

Words containing 'Rosary'