'Entreaty' definitions:

Definition of 'entreaty'

From: WordNet
Earnest or urgent request; "an entreaty to stop the fighting"; "an appeal for help"; "an appeal to the public to keep calm" [syn: entreaty, prayer, appeal]

Definition of 'Entreaty'

  • Entreaty \En*treat"y\, n.; pl. Entreaties.
  • 1. Treatment; reception; entertainment. [Obs.] --B. Jonson. [1913 Webster]
  • 2. The act of entreating or beseeching; urgent prayer; earnest petition; pressing solicitation. [1913 Webster]
  • Fair entreaty, and sweet blandishment. --Spenser.
  • Syn: Solicitation; request; suit; supplication; importunity. [1913 Webster]

Words containing 'Entreaty'