'Restraint' definitions:
Definition of 'restraint'
From: WordNet
The act of controlling by restraining someone or something; "the unlawful restraint of trade"
Discipline in personal and social activities; "he was a model of polite restraint"; "she never lost control of herself" [syn: restraint, control] [ant: unrestraint]
The state of being physically constrained; "dogs should be kept under restraint" [syn: constraint, restraint]
A rule or condition that limits freedom; "legal restraints"; "restraints imposed on imports"
Lack of ornamentation; "the room was simply decorated with great restraint" [syn: chasteness, restraint, simplicity, simpleness]
A device that retards something's motion; "the car did not have proper restraints fitted" [syn: restraint, constraint]
Definition of 'Restraint'
- Restraint \Re*straint"\, n. [OF. restraincte, fr. restrainct, F. restreint, p. p. of restraindre, restrendre. See Restrain.]
- 1. The act or process of restraining, or of holding back or hindering from motion or action, in any manner; hindrance of the will, or of any action, physical or mental. [1913 Webster]
- No man was altogether above the restrains of law, and no man altogether below its protection. --Macaulay. [1913 Webster]
- 2. The state of being restrained. [1913 Webster]
- 3. That which restrains, as a law, a prohibition, or the like; limitation; restriction. [1913 Webster]
- For one restraint, lords of the world besides. --Milton. [1913 Webster]
- Syn: Repression; hindrance; check; stop; curb;?oercion; confinement; limitation; restriction. [1913 Webster]
Synonyms of 'restraint'
From: Moby Thesaurus
- abnegation,
- absolutism,
- abstinence,
- aloofness,
- aplomb,
- appropriateness,
- arrest,
- arrestation,
- arrestment,
- assurance,
- Atticism,
- backwardness,
- balance,
- ban,
- bashfulness,
- bilbo,
- blankness,
- block,
- blockage,
- blocking,
- bond,
- bond service,
- bondage,
- bonds,
- bounds,
- bracelets,
- bridle,
- caging,
- calm,
- calmness,
- camisole,
- captivity,
- censorship,
- chains,
- chasteness,
- chastity,
- check,
- chilliness,
- circumscription,
- clarity,
- classicalism,
- classicism,
- clearness,
- clogging,
- closing up,
- closure,
- coaction,
- coldness,
- collar,
- comeliness,
- composure,
- compulsion,
- compulsiveness,
- confidence,
- confinement,
- conservatism,
- constraint,
- constriction,
- continence,
- control,
- cool,
- coolness,
- correctness,
- cramp,
- cuffs,
- curb,
- curtailment,
- debt slavery,
- delay,
- delimitation,
- deprivation of freedom,
- detachment,
- detainment,
- detention,
- dignity,
- directness,
- discipline,
- discreetness,
- discretion,
- discrimination,
- disenfranchisement,
- disfranchisement,
- dispassion,
- distance,
- distinction,
- domination,
- ease,
- elegance,
- elegancy,
- embargo,
- enforcement,
- enslavement,
- enthrallment,
- equability,
- equanimity,
- equilibrium,
- evenness,
- expressionlessness,
- felicitousness,
- felicity,
- fetter,
- fetters,
- feudalism,
- feudality,
- finish,
- fittingness,
- fixation,
- flow,
- flowing periods,
- fluency,
- foot-dragging,
- forbearance,
- forcing,
- frigidity,
- frostiness,
- frugality,
- gag,
- gentleness,
- golden mean,
- good taste,
- grace,
- gracefulness,
- gracility,
- guardedness,
- gyves,
- halter,
- hamper,
- hampering,
- handcuffs,
- happy medium,
- helotism,
- helotry,
- hindering,
- hindrance,
- hobbles,
- holdback,
- holdup,
- hopples,
- iciness,
- impartiality,
- impassiveness,
- impassivity,
- impediment,
- impersonality,
- impoundment,
- inaccessibility,
- indentureship,
- independence,
- inevitability,
- inhibition,
- interdict,
- interdiction,
- interference,
- interruption,
- introversion,
- irons,
- irresistibility,
- judiciousness,
- juste-milieu,
- leading strings,
- leash,
- lenity,
- let,
- level head,
- levelheadedness,
- limit,
- limitation,
- limpidity,
- lockup,
- lucidity,
- manacle,
- meden agan,
- middle way,
- mildness,
- moderateness,
- moderation,
- moderationism,
- modesty,
- muzzle,
- naturalness,
- neatness,
- necessity,
- negativism,
- neutrality,
- nonviolence,
- nothing in excess,
- nuisance value,
- obligation,
- obligement,
- obstruction,
- obstructionism,
- occlusion,
- opposition,
- Oregon boat,
- pacifism,
- pellucidity,
- penning,
- peonage,
- perspicuity,
- pillory,
- plainness,
- poise,
- polish,
- possession,
- presence of mind,
- propriety,
- proscription,
- prudence,
- psychological block,
- purity,
- quietness,
- refinement,
- rein,
- reins,
- remoteness,
- renouncement,
- renunciation,
- repose,
- repression,
- reserve,
- reservedness,
- resistance,
- restrainedness,
- restraints,
- restriction,
- retardation,
- retardment,
- reticence,
- reticency,
- retirement,
- retiring disposition,
- seemliness,
- self-abnegation,
- self-assurance,
- self-command,
- self-confidence,
- self-conquest,
- self-control,
- self-denial,
- self-discipline,
- self-government,
- self-mastery,
- self-possession,
- self-restraint,
- serenity,
- serfdom,
- serfhood,
- servility,
- servitude,
- setback,
- shackle,
- shackles,
- simplicity,
- slavery,
- smoothness,
- soberness,
- sobriety,
- sophrosyne,
- squeeze,
- stability,
- standoffishness,
- steadiness,
- stocks,
- straightforwardness,
- straightjacket,
- strait-waistcoat,
- straitjacket,
- stranglehold,
- stricture,
- subduedness,
- subjection,
- subjugation,
- suppression,
- taboo,
- taste,
- tastefulness,
- temperance,
- temperateness,
- terseness,
- tether,
- thrall,
- thralldom,
- trammel,
- trammels,
- tranquillity,
- tyranny,
- unaffability,
- unaffectedness,
- unapproachability,
- uncongeniality,
- undemonstrativeness,
- understatement,
- unexcessiveness,
- unexpansiveness,
- unextravagance,
- unextremeness,
- unobtrusiveness,
- vassalage,
- via media,
- villenage,
- well-regulated mind,
- withdrawal,
- withdrawnness,
- yoke