'Bashfulness' definitions:

Definition of 'bashfulness'

From: WordNet
Feeling embarrassed due to modesty [syn: abashment, bashfulness]

Definition of 'Bashfulness'

  • Bashfulness \Bash"ful*ness\, n. The quality of being bashful. [1913 Webster]
  • Syn: Bashfulness, Modesty, Diffidence, Shyness.
  • Usage: Modesty arises from a low estimate of ourselves; bashfulness is an abashment or agitation of the spirits at coming into contact with others; diffidence is produced by an undue degree of self-distrust; shyness usually arises from an excessive self-consciousness, and a painful impression that every one is looking at us. Modesty of deportment is becoming in all; bashfulness often gives rise to mistakes and blundering; diffidence in society frequently makes a man a burden to himself; shyness usually produces a reserve or distance which is often mistaken for haughtiness. [1913 Webster]