'avant garde' definitions:
Synonyms of 'avant garde'
From: Moby Thesaurus
- a la mode,
- advance guard,
- advanced,
- airhead,
- ancestor,
- announcer,
- antecedent,
- authentic,
- battle line,
- beachhead,
- bellwether,
- bridgehead,
- buccinator,
- bushwhacker,
- contemporary,
- creative,
- exploratory,
- explorer,
- far out,
- farthest outpost,
- fashionable,
- first line,
- firsthand,
- forebear,
- forefront,
- foregoer,
- forerunner,
- forward-looking,
- fresh,
- front,
- front line,
- front rank,
- front runner,
- front-runner,
- frontiersman,
- fugleman,
- groundbreaker,
- guide,
- harbinger,
- herald,
- imaginative,
- in,
- inaugural,
- innovation,
- innovator,
- latest fad,
- latest fashion,
- latest wrinkle,
- lead runner,
- leader,
- line,
- messenger,
- mod,
- modern,
- modernistic,
- modernized,
- modish,
- new,
- new look,
- newfangled device,
- newfashioned,
- novel,
- novelty,
- now,
- original,
- outguard,
- outpost,
- pathfinder,
- pioneer,
- point,
- precedent,
- preceding,
- precursor,
- predecessor,
- preliminary,
- present-day,
- present-time,
- progressive,
- railhead,
- revolutionary,
- scout,
- spearhead,
- stormy petrel,
- streamlined,
- the in thing,
- the last word,
- the latest thing,
- trailblazer,
- trailbreaker,
- twentieth-century,
- ultra-ultra,
- ultramodern,
- underived,
- unique,
- up-to-date,
- up-to-datish,
- up-to-the-minute,
- van,
- vanguard,
- vaunt-courier,
- voortrekker,
- way out