'adherent' definitions:
Definition of 'adherent'
From: WordNet
Sticking fast
Someone who believes and helps to spread the doctrine of another [syn: disciple, adherent]
Synonyms of 'adherent'
From: Moby Thesaurus
- adhesive,
- agnostic,
- animist,
- appendage,
- applauder,
- appreciator,
- attendant,
- Averroist,
- backer,
- barnacle,
- Berkeleian,
- booster,
- bramble,
- brier,
- buff,
- bulldog,
- burr,
- Cartesian,
- cavaliere servente,
- cement,
- champion,
- claqueur,
- cohort,
- commender,
- Comtist,
- cosmotheist,
- courtier,
- creature,
- Cynic,
- Cyrenaic,
- dangler,
- decal,
- decalcomania,
- deist,
- dependent,
- dialectical materialist,
- disciple,
- dualist,
- dummy,
- eclectic,
- egoist,
- Eleatic,
- empiricist,
- encomiast,
- Epicurean,
- Eretrian,
- essentialist,
- eulogist,
- eulogizer,
- existentialist,
- extoller,
- fan,
- Fichtean,
- figurehead,
- flunky,
- follower,
- following,
- gillie,
- glue,
- goon,
- gunk,
- hanger-on,
- hedonist,
- heeler,
- Hegelian,
- Heideggerian,
- henchman,
- Heraclitean,
- Herbartian,
- homme de cour,
- humanist,
- Humist,
- Husserlian,
- hylomorphist,
- hylotheist,
- hylozoist,
- idealist,
- immaterialist,
- individualist,
- intuitionist,
- jackal,
- Kantian,
- Kierkegaardian,
- lackey,
- lauder,
- leech,
- Leibnizian,
- limpet,
- logical empiricist,
- man,
- Marxist,
- materialist,
- mechanist,
- Megarian,
- mentalist,
- minion,
- molasses,
- monist,
- mucilage,
- myrmidon,
- mystic,
- naturalist,
- Neo-Hegelian,
- Neo-Pythagorean,
- Neoplatonist,
- nominalist,
- ontologist,
- organic mechanist,
- organicist,
- panegyrist,
- panpsychist,
- pantheist,
- parasite,
- Parmenidean,
- partisan,
- paste,
- Peripatetic,
- physicist,
- plaster,
- Platonist,
- plugger,
- positivist,
- pragmatist,
- praiser,
- prickle,
- promoter,
- psychist,
- public,
- puffer,
- puppet,
- pursuer,
- pursuivant,
- Pyrrhonist,
- Pythagorean,
- rationalist,
- realist,
- remora,
- retainer,
- rooter,
- Sartrian,
- satellite,
- Scholastic,
- Scotist,
- sectary,
- secular humanist,
- sensationalist,
- sensist,
- servant,
- shadow,
- skeptic,
- Socratist,
- Sophist,
- Spencerian,
- Spinozist,
- sticker,
- Stoic,
- stooge,
- substantialist,
- successor,
- supporter,
- sycophant,
- syncretist,
- syrup,
- tagtail,
- tail,
- theist,
- Thomist,
- thorn,
- thug,
- tout,
- touter,
- trainbearer,
- transcendentalist,
- upholder,
- utilitarian,
- vitalist,
- voluntarist,
- votary,
- ward heeler,
- Wittgensteinian,
- zetetic