'Xenon' definitions:

Definition of 'xenon'

From: WordNet
A colorless odorless inert gaseous element occurring in the earth's atmosphere in trace amounts [syn: xenon, Xe, atomic number 54]

Definition of 'Xenon'

  • Xenon \Xen"on\ (z[e^]n"[o^]n; z[=e]"n[o^]n), n. [Gr. xe`non, neut. of xe`nos strange.] (Chem.) A very heavy, inert gaseous element of the noble gas group, occurring in the atmosphere in the proportion of one volume is about 20 millions. It was discovered by Ramsay and Travers in 1898. It can be condensed to a liquid boiling at -107[deg] C., and to a solid which melts at -111.9[deg] C. Symbol Xe (formerly also X); atomic number 54; atomic weight 131.3. [Webster 1913 Suppl. +PJC]

Definition of 'xenon'

  • Noble \No"ble\, a. [Compar. Nobler; superl. Noblest.] [F. noble, fr. L. nobilis that can be or is known, well known, famous, highborn, noble, fr. noscere to know. See know.]
  • 1. Possessing eminence, elevation, dignity, etc.; above whatever is low, mean, degrading, or dishonorable; magnanimous; as, a noble nature or action; a noble heart. [1913 Webster]
  • Statues, with winding ivy crowned, belong To nobler poets for a nobler song. --Dryden. [1913 Webster]
  • 2. Grand; stately; magnificent; splendid; as, a noble edifice. [1913 Webster]
  • 3. Of exalted rank; of or pertaining to the nobility; distinguished from the masses by birth, station, or title; highborn; as, noble blood; a noble personage. [1913 Webster]
  • Note: Noble is used in the formation of self-explaining compounds; as, noble-born, noble-hearted, noble-minded. [1913 Webster]
  • Noble gas (Chem.), a gaseous element belonging to group VIII of the periodic table of elements, not combining with other elements under normal reaction conditions; specifically, helium, neon, argon, krypton, xenon, or radon; also called inert gas.
  • Noble metals (Chem.), silver, gold, and platinum; -- so called from their resistance to oxidation by air and to dissolution by acids. Copper, mercury, aluminium, palladium, rhodium, iridium, and osmium are sometimes included. [1913 Webster]
  • Syn: Honorable; worthy; dignified; elevated; exalted; superior; sublime; great; eminent; illustrious; renowned; stately; splendid; magnificent; grand; magnanimous; generous; liberal; free. [1913 Webster]

Definition of 'Xenon'

From: Elements
  • Symbol: Xe
  • Atomic number: 54
  • Atomic weight: 131.30
  • Colourless, odourless gas belonging to group 18 on the periodic table (the noble gases.) Nine natural isotopes and seven radioactive isotopes are known. Xenon was part of the first noble-gas compound synthesized. Several others involving Xenon have been found since then. Xenon was discovered by Ramsey and Travers in 1898.