'Unstring' definitions:

Definition of 'unstring'

From: WordNet
Remove the strings from; "unstring my guitar" [ant: string]

Definition of 'Unstring'

  • Unstring \Un*string"\, v. t. [1st pref. un- + string.] [1913 Webster]
  • 1. To deprive of a string or strings; also, to take from a string; as, to unstring beads. [1913 Webster]
  • 2. To loosen the string or strings of; as, to unstring a harp or a bow. [1913 Webster]
  • 3. To relax the tension of; to loosen. "His garland they unstring." --Dryden. Used also figuratively; as, his nerves were unstrung by fear. [1913 Webster]