'Ungrudging' definitions:
Definition of 'ungrudging'
From: WordNet
Without envy or reluctance; "ungrudging admiration"
Synonyms of 'ungrudging'
From: Moby Thesaurus
- accordant,
- acquiescent,
- affirmative,
- agreeable,
- agreeing,
- approving,
- assenting,
- bighearted,
- bounteous,
- bountiful,
- compliable,
- compliant,
- consentient,
- consenting,
- content,
- eager,
- endorsing,
- favorable,
- free,
- freehanded,
- freehearted,
- generous,
- giving,
- gracious,
- greathearted,
- handsome,
- hospitable,
- large,
- largehearted,
- lavish,
- liberal,
- magnanimous,
- munificent,
- nothing loath,
- open,
- openhanded,
- openhearted,
- permissive,
- princely,
- profuse,
- prompt,
- ratifying,
- ready,
- sanctioning,
- stintless,
- submissive,
- unaverse,
- ungrumbling,
- unloath,
- unrefusing,
- unreluctant,
- unselfish,
- unshrinking,
- unsparing,
- unstinted,
- unstinting,
- willing