'South Sea' definitions:

Definition of 'South Sea'

From: WordNet
Any sea to the south of the equator (but especially the South Pacific)

Definition of 'South sea'

  • pacific \pa*cif"ic\, a. [L. pacificus: cf. F. pacifique. See Pacify.] Of or pertaining to peace; of a peaceful character; not warlike; not quarrelsome; as, a pacific nature or condition. [WordNet sense 3]
  • Syn: peaceable. [1913 Webster]
  • 2. Promoting peace; suited to make or restore peace; conciliatory; as, pacific words or acts. [WordNet sense 1]
  • Syn: irenic. [WordNet 1.5]
  • 3. of or pertaining to the Pacific Ocean; as, Pacific islands. [WordNet 1.5]
  • Pacific Ocean, the ocean between America and Asia, so called by Magellan, its first European navigator, on account of the exemption from violent tempests which he enjoyed while sailing over it; -- called also, simply, the Pacific, and, formerly, the South sea. [1913 Webster]
  • Syn: Peacemaking; appeasing; conciliatory; tranquil; calm; quiet; peaceful; reconciling; mild; gentle. [1913 Webster]