'smelly' definitions:
Definition of 'smelly'
From: WordNet
Offensively malodorous; "a foul odor"; "the kitchen smelled really funky" [syn: fetid, foetid, foul, foul-smelling, funky, noisome, smelly, stinking, ill-scented]
Synonyms of 'smelly'
From: Moby Thesaurus
- aromatic,
- bad,
- bad-smelling,
- effluvious,
- fecal,
- fetid,
- foul,
- fragrant,
- frowsty,
- frowy,
- frowzy,
- fulsome,
- funky,
- fusty,
- gamy,
- graveolent,
- high,
- ill-smelling,
- malodorous,
- mephitic,
- miasmal,
- miasmatic,
- miasmic,
- mildewed,
- mildewy,
- moldy,
- musty,
- nidorous,
- noisome,
- noxious,
- odorant,
- odored,
- odoriferous,
- odorous,
- offensive,
- olid,
- putrid,
- rancid,
- rank,
- reasty,
- reasy,
- redolent,
- reechy,
- reeking,
- reeky,
- repulsive,
- rotten,
- smellful,
- smelling,
- smellsome,
- stenchy,
- stinking,
- strong,
- stuffy,
- sulfurous,
- vile