'Sinistral' definitions:

Definition of 'sinistral'

From: WordNet
Of or on the left; "a sinistral gastropod shell with the apex upward has its opening on the left when facing the observer"; "a sinistral flatfish lies with the left eye uppermost" [ant: dextral]
Preferring to use left foot or hand or eye; "sinistral individuals exhibit dominance of the left hand and eye"

Definition of 'Sinistral'

  • Sinistral \Sin"is*tral\, a.
  • 1. Of or pertaining to the left, inclining to the left; sinistrous; -- opposed to dextral. [1913 Webster]
  • 2. (Zool.) Having the whorls of the spire revolving or rising to the left; reversed; -- said of certain spiral shells. [1913 Webster]

Definition of 'sinistral'

  • counterclockwise \coun"ter*clock"wise\ adj. & adv. in the opposite direction to that in which the hands of a clock rotate, as viewed from in front of the clock face; -- of rotatory motion or spiral direction. Opposite of clockwise, or right-handed
  • Note: [Narrower terms: sinistral {levororotary, levorotatory}]
  • Syn: left-handed. [PJC]

Synonyms of 'sinistral'

From: Moby Thesaurus

Words containing 'Sinistral'