'roadhouse' definitions:
Definition of 'roadhouse'
From: WordNet
An inn (usually outside city limits on a main road) providing meals and liquor and dancing and (sometimes) gambling
Synonyms of 'roadhouse'
From: Moby Thesaurus
- amusement park,
- ballroom,
- boardinghouse,
- cabaret,
- cafe chantant,
- cafe dansant,
- casino,
- dance floor,
- dance hall,
- dancing pavilion,
- dorm,
- dormitory,
- doss house,
- entertainment industry,
- fleabag,
- flophouse,
- fun-fair,
- guest house,
- hospice,
- hostel,
- hostelry,
- hotel,
- inn,
- juke joint,
- lodge,
- lodging house,
- night spot,
- nightclub,
- nitery,
- ordinary,
- pension,
- posada,
- pub,
- public,
- public house,
- resort,
- rooming house,
- show biz,
- show business,
- tavern,
- theater