'rest home' definitions:
Definition of 'rest home'
From: WordNet
An institution where people are cared for; "a home for the elderly" [syn: home, nursing home, rest home]
Synonyms of 'rest home'
From: Moby Thesaurus
- almshouse,
- asylum,
- base hospital,
- clinic,
- community hospital,
- convalescent home,
- convalescent hospital,
- evacuation hospital,
- field hospital,
- foster home,
- general hospital,
- halfway house,
- home,
- hospice,
- hospital,
- hospitium,
- infirmary,
- inpatient clinic,
- maison de sante,
- mental hospital,
- nursing home,
- orphanage,
- osteopathic hospital,
- outpatient clinic,
- policlinic,
- polyclinic,
- poor farm,
- poorhouse,
- private hospital,
- proprietary hospital,
- public hospital,
- retreat,
- sanatorium,
- sick bay,
- sickbed,
- sickroom,
- special hospital,
- station hospital,
- surgical hospital,
- teaching hospital,
- VA hospital,
- veterans hospital,
- voluntary hospital,
- ward,
- well-baby clinic,
- workhouse