'Relaxation' definitions:

Definition of 'relaxation'

From: WordNet
(physiology) the gradual lengthening of inactive muscle or muscle fibers
(physics) the exponential return of a system to equilibrium after a disturbance [syn: relaxation, relaxation behavior]
A feeling of refreshing tranquility and an absence of tension or worry; "the easiness we feel when sleeping" [syn: easiness, relaxation]
An occurrence of control or strength weakening; "the relaxation of requirements"; "the loosening of his grip"; "the slackening of the wind" [syn: relaxation, loosening, slackening]
Freedom from activity (work or strain or responsibility); "took his repose by the swimming pool" [syn: rest, ease, repose, relaxation]
A method of solving simultaneous equations by guessing a solution and then reducing the errors that result by successive approximations until all the errors are less than some specified amount [syn: relaxation, relaxation method]
The act of making less strict [syn: liberalization, liberalisation, relaxation]

Definition of 'Relaxation'

  • Relaxation \Re`lax*a"tion\ (r?`l?ks-?"sh?n;277), n. [L. relaxatio; cf. F. relaxation.]
  • 1. The act or process of relaxing, or the state of being relaxed; as, relaxation of the muscles; relaxation of a law. [1913 Webster]
  • 2. Remission from attention and effort; indulgence in recreation, diversion, or amusement. "Hours of careless relaxation." --Macaulay. [1913 Webster]

Synonyms of 'relaxation'

From: Moby Thesaurus