'Recusation' definitions:

Definition of 'recusation'

From: WordNet
(law) the disqualification of a judge or jury by reason of prejudice or conflict of interest; a judge can be recused by objections of either party or judges can disqualify themselves [syn: recusation, recusal]
(law) an objection grounded on the judge's relationship to one of the parties

Definition of 'Recusation'

  • Recusation \Rec`u*sa"tion\ (r?k`?*z?"sh?n), n. [L. recusatio: cf. F. r['e]cusation.]
  • 1. Refusal. [Obs.] [1913 Webster]
  • 2. (Old Law) The act of refusing a judge or challenging that he shall not try the cause, on account of his supposed partiality. --Blackstone. [1913 Webster]

Words containing 'Recusation'