'put upon' definitions:
Synonyms of 'put upon'
From: Moby Thesaurus
- abashed,
- administer,
- afflicted,
- agitated,
- apply,
- barge in,
- beset,
- bestow,
- bothered,
- break in,
- break in upon,
- burden with,
- burst in,
- butt in,
- cast down,
- chagrined,
- chapfallen,
- charge,
- charge in,
- come between,
- confused,
- crash,
- crash in,
- crash the gates,
- creep in,
- crowd in,
- cut in,
- deceive,
- demand,
- discomfited,
- discomforted,
- discomposed,
- disconcerted,
- disquieted,
- distressed,
- disturbed,
- dose,
- dose with,
- edge in,
- elbow in,
- embarrassed,
- encroach,
- enforce upon,
- enjoin,
- entrench,
- exact,
- fasten upon,
- foist in,
- foist on,
- force,
- force upon,
- freight with,
- give,
- horn in,
- hung up,
- ill at ease,
- impinge,
- impose,
- impose on,
- impose upon,
- infiltrate,
- inflict on,
- inflict upon,
- infringe,
- insinuate,
- interfere,
- interlope,
- interpose,
- intervene,
- intrude,
- invade,
- irrupt,
- lay,
- lay on,
- levy,
- mete out to,
- mortified,
- obtrude,
- out of countenance,
- pass off on,
- pass the buck,
- perturbed,
- place,
- play on,
- prescribe for,
- press in,
- presume upon,
- push in,
- put,
- put across,
- put down,
- put on,
- put over,
- put-out,
- rush in,
- saddle with,
- set,
- shift the blame,
- shift the responsibility,
- slink in,
- slip in,
- smash in,
- sneak in,
- squeeze in,
- steal in,
- storm in,
- subject to,
- take advantage of,
- task,
- tax,
- throng in,
- thrust in,
- trench,
- trespass,
- troubled,
- uncomfortable,
- uneasy,
- upset,
- weight down with,
- work in,
- work on,
- worm in,
- yoke with