'Publishing' definitions:
Definition of 'publishing'
From: WordNet
The business of issuing printed matter for sale or distribution [syn: publication, publishing]
Definition of 'Publishing'
- Publish \Pub"lish\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Published; p. pr. & vb. n. Publishing.] [F. publier, L. publicare, publicatum. See Public, and -ish.]
- 1. To make public; to make known to mankind, or to people in general; to divulge, as a private transaction; to promulgate or proclaim, as a law or an edict. [1913 Webster]
- Published was the bounty of her name. --Chaucer. [1913 Webster]
- The unwearied sun, from day to day, Does his Creator's power display, And publishes to every land The work of an almighty hand. --Addison. [1913 Webster]
- 2. To make known by posting, or by reading in a church; as, to publish banns of marriage. [1913 Webster]
- 3. To send forth, as a book, newspaper, musical piece, or other printed work, either for sale or for general distribution; to print, and issue from the press. [1913 Webster]
- 4. To utter, or put into circulation; as, to publish counterfeit paper. [U.S.] [1913 Webster]
- To publish a will (Law), to acknowledge it before the witnesses as the testator's last will and testament. [1913 Webster]
- Syn: To announce; proclaim; advertise; declare; promulgate; disclose; divulge; reveal. See Announce. [1913 Webster]
Synonyms of 'publishing'
From: Moby Thesaurus
- airing,
- albertype,
- AP,
- Associated Press,
- bandying,
- book,
- book printing,
- book publishing,
- broadcast,
- broadcasting,
- bruiting,
- bruiting about,
- chromotypography,
- chromotypy,
- chromoxylography,
- circulation,
- collotype,
- color printing,
- communications,
- communications industry,
- diffusion,
- display,
- dissemination,
- electronography,
- electrostatic printing,
- evulgation,
- Fleet Street,
- fourth estate,
- graphic arts,
- gravure,
- halftone engraving,
- history of printing,
- issuance,
- issue,
- job printing,
- journalism,
- letterpress,
- letterpress photoengraving,
- line engraving,
- lithography,
- lithogravure,
- lithophotogravure,
- magazine publishing,
- mimeograph,
- offset,
- offset lithography,
- onset,
- palaeotypography,
- periodical,
- photo-offset,
- photochemical process,
- photoengraving,
- photogelatin process,
- photographic reproduction,
- photography,
- photolithography,
- phototypography,
- phototypy,
- photozincography,
- planographic printing,
- planography,
- print medium,
- printing,
- printmaking,
- promulgation,
- propagation,
- public press,
- public print,
- publication,
- publishing industry,
- relief printing,
- Reuters,
- rotary photogravure,
- rotogravure,
- sheetwork,
- spread,
- spreading,
- spreading abroad,
- stencil,
- telecasting,
- the press,
- three-color printing,
- two-color printing,
- typography,
- typolithography,
- United Press International,
- UPI,
- ventilation,
- wood-block printing,
- xerography,
- xeroprinting,
- xylotypography,
- zincography