'Packing box' definitions:

Definition of 'packing box'

From: WordNet
A small chamber in which packing is compressed around a reciprocating shaft or piston to form a seal [syn: stuffing box, packing box]
A large crate in which goods are packed for shipment or storage [syn: packing box, packing case]

Definition of 'Packing box'

  • Packing \Pack"ing\, n.
  • 1. The act or process of one who packs. [1913 Webster]
  • 2. Any material used to pack, fill up, or make close. Specifically (Mach.): A substance or piece used to make a joint impervious; as: (a) A thin layer, or sheet, of yielding or elastic material inserted between the surfaces of a flange joint. (b) The substance in a stuffing box, through which a piston rod slides. (c) A yielding ring, as of metal, which surrounds a piston and maintains a tight fit, as inside a cylinder, etc. [1913 Webster]
  • 3. (Masonry) Same as Filling. [Rare in the U. S.] [1913 Webster]
  • 4. A trick; collusion. [Obs.] --Bale. [1913 Webster]
  • Cherd packing (Bridge Building), the arrangement, side by side, of several parts, as bars, diagonals, a post, etc., on a pin at the bottom of a chord. --Waddell.
  • Packing box, a stuffing box. See under Stuffing.
  • Packing press, a powerful press for baling cotton, wool, hay, etc.
  • Packing ring. See Packing, 2 (c), and Illust. of Piston.
  • Packing sheet. (a) A large cloth for packing goods. (b) A sheet prepared for packing hydropathic patients. [1913 Webster]