'Ondatra' definitions:

Definition of 'Ondatra'

From: WordNet
Muskrats [syn: Ondatra, genus Ondatra]

Definition of 'ondatra'

  • Muskrat \Musk"rat`\, n.
  • 1. (Zool.) A North American aquatic fur-bearing rodent (Ondatra zibethica formerly Fiber zibethicus). It resembles a rat in color and having a long scaly tail, but the tail is compressed, the hind feet are webbed, and the ears are concealed in the fur. It has scent glands which secrete a substance having a strong odor of musk. Called also musquash, musk beaver, ondatra, and sometimes water rat. [1913 Webster +PJC]
  • 2. (Zool.) The musk shrew. [1913 Webster]
  • 3. (Zool.) The desman. [1913 Webster]

Words containing 'Ondatra'