'not cricket' definitions:
Synonyms of 'not cricket'
From: Moby Thesaurus
- beat,
- below the belt,
- Bohemian,
- breakaway,
- far out,
- foul,
- free and easy,
- fringy,
- heretical,
- heterodox,
- hippie,
- informal,
- kinky,
- maverick,
- not done,
- not fair,
- not kosher,
- offbeat,
- original,
- unconventional,
- unfair,
- unfashionable,
- unorthodox,
- unsporting,
- unsportsmanlike,
- unsportsmanly,
- way out
Words containing 'not cricket'
- Cricket,
- Cricketer,
- Balm cricket,
- Cricket bird,
- Cricket frog,
- Cricket, NC,
- Fan cricket,
- Fen cricket,
- Field cricket,
- Mole cricket,
- Sand cricket,
- Tree cricket,
- White cricket,
- Wood cricket,
- cricket ball,
- cricket bat,
- cricket equipment,
- cricket match,
- cricket teal,
- jerusalem cricket,
- mormon cricket,
- eastern cricket frog,
- european house cricket,
- northern cricket frog,
- snowy tree cricket,
- cricket-bat willow