'Mileage' definitions:

Definition of 'mileage'

From: WordNet
Distance measured in miles [syn: mileage, milage]
The ratio of the number of miles traveled to the number of gallons of gasoline burned [syn: mileage, fuel consumption rate, gasoline mileage, gas mileage]
A travel allowance at a given rate per mile traveled

Definition of 'Mileage'

  • Mileage \Mile"age\ (m[imac]l"[asl]j; 48), n.
  • 1. An allowance for traveling expenses at a certain rate per mile. [1913 Webster]
  • 2. Aggregate length or distance in miles; esp., the sum of lengths of tracks or wires of a railroad company, telegraph company, etc. [Written also milage.] [1913 Webster]
  • 3. The number of miles that a vehicle can travel after consuming a certain quantity of fuel; in the United States, usually expressed in units of miles per gallon; as, smaller cars tend to get better mileage. It is sometimes used as a nmeasure of the energy efficiency of a vehicle. [PJC]
  • 4. Use, profit or advantage; as, he got a lot of mileage out of one hit record. [PJC]
  • Constructive mileage, a mileage allowed for journeys supposed to be made, but not actually made. --Bartlett. [1913 Webster]