'Mendelism' definitions:

Definition of 'Mendelism'

From: WordNet
The theory of inheritance based on Mendel's laws [syn: Mendelism, Mendelianism]

Definition of 'Mendelism'

  • Mendelian \Men*de"li*an\, prop. a. [See Mendel's law.]
  • 1. (Biol.) Pert. to Mendel, or to Mendel's law; as, Mendelian inheritance. [Webster 1913 Suppl.]
  • 2. (Biol.) Behaving or being in accordance with Mendel's laws of inheritance; -- said of the distribution of inherited characteristics and of traits thus distributed. -- {Men*de"li*an*ism}, {Men*del"ism}, n. [Webster 1913 Suppl. +PJC]

Words containing 'Mendelism'