'Linnaeus' definitions:

Definition of 'Linnaeus'

From: WordNet
Swedish botanist who proposed the modern system of biological nomenclature (1707-1778) [syn: Linnaeus, Carolus Linnaeus, Carl von Linne, Karl Linne]

Definition of 'Linnaeus'

  • Linnaeus \Linnaeus\ (l[i^]*n[=e]"[u^]s) n. Carolus Linnaeus, also called Karl von Linn['e]. Born at R[*a]shult, Sm[*a]land, Sweden, May 13, 1707: died at Upsala, Sweden, Jan. 10, 1778. A celebrated Swedish botanist and naturalist, founder of the Linnean system in botany. He made a journey to Lapland in 1732; resided in the Netherlands 1735-38; and became professor of medicine (later of botany) at Upsala in 1741. Among his works are "Systema natur[ae]" (1735), "Fundamenta botanica" (1736), "Genera plantarum" (1737), "Flora lapponica" (1737), "Philosophia botanica" (1751), and "Species plantarum" (1753). [Century Dict. 1906]

Words containing 'Linnaeus'