'life of the party' definitions:
Synonyms of 'life of the party'
From: Moby Thesaurus
- activator,
- animator,
- arouser,
- bad boy,
- banana,
- bon vivant,
- booger,
- buffoon,
- bugger,
- burlesquer,
- caricaturist,
- clown,
- clubman,
- clubwoman,
- comedian,
- comic,
- cutup,
- devil,
- elf,
- energizer,
- enfant terrible,
- epigrammatist,
- excellent companion,
- funmaker,
- funnyman,
- gag writer,
- gagman,
- gagster,
- good company,
- good mixer,
- hood,
- hoodlum,
- hooligan,
- human dynamo,
- humorist,
- imp,
- ironist,
- jester,
- joiner,
- joker,
- jokesmith,
- jokester,
- knave,
- lampooner,
- life,
- little devil,
- little monkey,
- little rascal,
- madcap,
- man-about-town,
- minx,
- mischief,
- mischief-maker,
- mixer,
- motivating force,
- motive power,
- nightclub habitue,
- parodist,
- pixie,
- playboy,
- pleasant company,
- practical joker,
- prankster,
- puck,
- punner,
- punster,
- quipster,
- rapscallion,
- rascal,
- reparteeist,
- restorative,
- rogue,
- rowdy,
- ruffian,
- satirist,
- scamp,
- scapegrace,
- social lion,
- spark plug,
- stimulant,
- stimulator,
- stimulus,
- tonic,
- wag,
- wagwit,
- wisecracker,
- wit,
- witling,
- zany