'Lex' definitions:
- Lex \Lex\ (l[e^]ks), n.; pl. Leges (l[=e]"j[=e]z). [L. See
Law; as, lex talionis, the law of retaliation; lex terr[ae],
the law of the land; lex fori, the law of the forum or court;
lex loci, the law of the place; lex mercatoria, the law or
custom of merchants.
[1913 Webster]
- act,
- bill,
- bylaw,
- canon,
- decree,
- dictate,
- dictation,
- edict,
- enactment,
- form,
- formality,
- formula,
- formulary,
- institution,
- jus,
- law,
- legislation,
- measure,
- ordinance,
- ordonnance,
- prescript,
- prescription,
- regulation,
- rubric,
- rule,
- ruling,
- standing order,
- statute