'leave alone' definitions:

Definition of 'leave alone'

From: WordNet
Leave unchanged or undisturbed or refrain from taking; "leave it as is"; "leave the young fawn alone"; "leave the flowers that you see in the park behind" [syn: leave, leave alone, leave behind]

Synonyms of 'leave alone'

From: Moby Thesaurus
  • be conservative,
  • butt out,
  • do nothing,
  • give carte blanche,
  • give full power,
  • hold aloof,
  • keep hands off,
  • leave,
  • leave be,
  • let alone,
  • let be,
  • not butt in,
  • not get involved,
  • not interfere,
  • not make waves,
  • not meddle,
  • not tamper,
  • open the floodgates,
  • oppose change,
  • permit all,
  • remove all restrictions,
  • stand aloof,
  • stand pat,
  • stand still

Words containing 'leave alone'