'Lanolin' definitions:

Definition of 'lanolin'

From: WordNet
A yellow viscous animal oil extracted from wool; a mixture of fatty acids and esters; used in some ointments and cosmetics [syn: lanolin, wool fat, wool grease]
An emollient containing wool fat (a fatty substance obtained from the wool of sheep)

Definition of 'Lanolin'

  • Lanolin \Lan"o*lin\ (l[a^]n"[-o]*l[i^]n), n. [L. lana wool + oleum oil.] (Physiol. Chem.) A peculiar fatlike body, made up of cholesterin and certain fatty acids, found in feathers, hair, wool, and keratin tissues generally. [1913 Webster]
  • Note: Under the same name, it is prepared from wool for commercial purposes, and forms an admirable basis for ointments, being readily absorbed by the skin. [1913 Webster] lansa