'L-dopa' definitions:

Definition of 'L-dopa'

From: WordNet
The levorotatory form of dopa (trade names Bendopa and Brocadopa and Larodopa); as a drug it is used to treat Parkinson's disease [syn: L-dopa, levodopa, Bendopa, Brocadopa, Larodopa]

Definition of 'L-dopa'

  • levodopa \le`vo*do"pa\ (l[=e]`v[-o]*d[=o]"p[.a]), a. [Levo- + DOPA, dihydroxyphenylalanine.] (Chem. & Biochem.) A substance used as a therapy for Parkinson's Disease; the L form of Dopa; L-dihydroxyphenylalanine; L-hydroxytyrosine (C9H11NO4); also called L-dopa. In the body it is converted by the enzyme dopa-decarboxylase into dopamine, the form in which it is active in the brain, affecting neural impulse transmission. [PJC]