'Kitchen' definitions:

Definition of 'kitchen'

From: WordNet
A room equipped for preparing meals

Definition of 'Kitchen'

  • Kitchen \Kitch"en\, v. t. To furnish food to; to entertain with the fare of the kitchen. [Obs.] --Shak. [1913 Webster]

Definition of 'Kitchen'

  • Kitchen \Kitch"en\ (k[i^]ch"[e^]n), n. [OE. kichen, kichene, kuchene, AS. cycene, L. coquina, equiv. to culina a kitchen, fr. coquinus pertaining to cooking, fr. coquere to cook. See Cook to prepare food, and cf. Cuisine.]
  • 1. A room equipped for cooking food; the room of a house, restaurant, or other building appropriated to cookery. [1913 Webster]
  • Cool was his kitchen, though his brains were hot. --Dryden. [1913 Webster]
  • A fat kitchen makes a lean will. --Franklin. [1913 Webster]
  • 2. A utensil for roasting meat; as, a tin kitchen. [1913 Webster]
  • 3. The staff that works in a kitchen. [PJC]
  • Kitchen garden. See under Garden.
  • Kitchen lee, dirty soapsuds. [Obs.] "A brazen tub of kitchen lee." --Ford.
  • Kitchen stuff, fat collected from pots and pans. --Donne. [1913 Webster]