'Intimidate' definitions:

Definition of 'intimidate'

From: WordNet
Make timid or fearful; "Her boss intimidates her"
To compel or deter by or as if by threats [syn: intimidate, restrain]

Definition of 'Intimidate'

  • Intimidate \In*tim"i*date\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Intimidated; p. pr. & vb. n. Intimidating.] [LL. intimidatus, p. p. of intimidare to frighten; pref. in- in + timidus fearful, timid: cf. F. intimider. See Timid.] To make timid or fearful; to inspire of affect with fear; to deter, as by threats; to dishearten; to abash. [1913 Webster]
  • Now guilt, once harbored in the conscious breast, Intimidates the brave, degrades the great. --Johnson.
  • Syn: To dishearten; dispirit; abash; deter; frighten; terrify; daunt; cow. [1913 Webster]

Synonyms of 'intimidate'

From: Moby Thesaurus

Words containing 'Intimidate'