'interparietal suture' definitions:

Definition of 'interparietal suture'

From: WordNet
The suture uniting the two parietal bones [syn: sagittal suture, interparietal suture, sutura sagittalis]

Definition of 'interparietal suture'

  • Sagittal \Sag"it*tal\, a. [L. sagitta an arrow: cf. F. sagittal.]
  • 1. Of or pertaining to an arrow; resembling an arrow; furnished with an arrowlike appendage. [1913 Webster]
  • 2. (Anat.) (a) Of or pertaining to the sagittal suture; in the region of the sagittal suture; rabdoidal; as, the sagittal furrow, or groove, on the inner surface of the roof of the skull. (b) In the mesial plane; mesial; as, a sagittal section of an animal. [1913 Webster]
  • Sagittal suture (Anat.), the suture between the two parietal bones in the top of the skull; -- called also rabdoidal suture, and interparietal suture. [1913 Webster]