'Injustice' definitions:

Definition of 'injustice'

From: WordNet
An unjust act [syn: injustice, unfairness, iniquity, shabbiness]
The practice of being unjust or unfair [syn: injustice, unjustness] [ant: justice, justness]

Definition of 'Injustice'

  • Injustice \In*jus"tice\, n. [F. injustice, L. injustitia. See In- not, and Justice, and cf. Unjust.]
  • 1. Lack of justice and equity; violation of the rights of another or others; iniquity; wrong; unfairness; imposition. [1913 Webster]
  • If this people [the Athenians] resembled Nero in their extravagance, much more did they resemble and even exceed him in cruelty and injustice. --Burke. [1913 Webster]
  • 2. An unjust act or deed; a sin; a crime; a wrong. [1913 Webster]
  • Cunning men can be guilty of a thousand injustices without being discovered, or at least without being punished. --Swift. [1913 Webster]

Synonyms of 'injustice'

From: Moby Thesaurus