'Grammarian' definitions:

Definition of 'grammarian'

From: WordNet
A linguist who specializes in the study of grammar and syntax [syn: grammarian, syntactician]

Definition of 'Grammarian'

  • Grammarian \Gram*ma"ri*an\, n. [Cf. F. grammairien.]
  • 1. One versed in grammar, or the construction of languages; a philologist. [1913 Webster]
  • Note: "The term was used by the classic ancients as a term of honorable distinction for all who were considered learned in any art or faculty whatever." --Brande & C. [1913 Webster]
  • 2. One who writes on, or teaches, grammar. [1913 Webster]

Synonyms of 'grammarian'

From: Moby Thesaurus

Words containing 'Grammarian'