'Gelsemium' definitions:

Definition of 'Gelsemium'

From: WordNet
Evergreen twining shrubs of Americas and southeastern Asia [syn: Gelsemium, genus Gelsemium]

Definition of 'Gelsemium'

  • Gelsemium \Gel*se"mium\, n. [NL., fr. It. gelsomino jasmine.]
  • 1. (Bot.) A genus of climbing plants. The yellow (false) jasmine (Gelsemium sempervirens) is a native of the Southern United States. It has showy and deliciously fragrant flowers. [1913 Webster]
  • 2. (Med.) The root of the yellow jasmine, used in malarial fevers, etc. [1913 Webster]

Words containing 'Gelsemium'