'Geiger counter' definitions:

Definition of 'Geiger counter'

From: WordNet
Counter tube that detects ionizing radiations [syn: Geiger counter, Geiger-Muller counter]

Synonyms of 'Geiger counter'

From: Moby Thesaurus
  • alpha pulse analyzer,
  • atom counter,
  • boron counter,
  • cloud chamber,
  • cosmic ray counter,
  • counting tube,
  • electronic counter,
  • electrophotometer,
  • expansion chamber,
  • gamma ray counter,
  • heavy particle counter,
  • infrared telescope,
  • ion counter,
  • ionization chamber,
  • particle counter,
  • photoelectric counter,
  • photoelectric recorder,
  • photoelectric sorter,
  • spectrophotometer,
  • tube counter,
  • Wilson chamber

Words containing 'Geiger counter'