'Galangal' definitions:

Definition of 'galangal'

From: WordNet
Southeastern Asian perennial with aromatic roots [syn: galangal, Alpinia galanga]
European sedge having rough-edged leaves and spikelets of reddish flowers and aromatic roots [syn: galingale, galangal, Cyperus longus]

Definition of 'Galangal'

  • Galanga \Ga*lan"ga\, Galangal \Ga*lan"gal\, n.[OE. galingale, OF. galingal, garingal, F. galanga (cf. Sp. galanga), prob. fr. Ar. khalanj[=a]n. ] The pungent aromatic rhizome or tuber of certain East Indian or Chinese species of Alpinia (Alpinia Galanga and Alpinia officinarum) and of the K[ae]mpferia Galanga), -- all of the Ginger family. [1913 Webster]

Words containing 'Galangal'