'Furiously' definitions:

Definition of 'furiously'

From: WordNet
(of the elements) in a wild and stormy manner; "winds were blowing furiously"
In a manner marked by extreme or violent energy; "the boys fought furiously"; "she went peddling furiously up the narrow street"
In an impassioned or very angry manner; "she screamed furiously at her tormentors"

Definition of 'Furiously'

  • Furious \Fu"ri*ous\, a. [L. furiosus, fr. furia rage, fury: cf. F. furieux. See Fury.]
  • 1. Transported with passion or fury; raging; violent; as, a furious animal. [1913 Webster]
  • 2. Rushing with impetuosity; moving with violence; as, a furious stream; a furious wind or storm.
  • Syn: Impetuous; vehement; boisterous; fierce; turbulent; tumultuous; angry; mad; frantic; frenzied. -- {Fu"ri*ous*ly}, adv. -- {Fu"ri*ous*ness}, n. [1913 Webster]

Synonyms of 'furiously'

From: Moby Thesaurus

Words containing 'Furiously'