'Fulfil' definitions:

Definition of 'fulfil'

From: WordNet
Put in effect; "carry out a task"; "execute the decision of the people"; "He actioned the operation" [syn: carry through, accomplish, execute, carry out, action, fulfill, fulfil]
Fill or meet a want or need [syn: meet, satisfy, fill, fulfill, fulfil]
Meet the requirements or expectations of [syn: satisfy, fulfill, fulfil, live up to] [ant: fall short of]

Definition of 'fulfil'

  • Fulfill \Ful*fill"\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Fulfilled; p. pr. & vb. n. Fulfilling.] [OE. fulfillen, fulfullen, AS. fulfyllan; ful full + fyllan to fill. See Full, a., and Fill, v. t.] [Written also fulfil.]
  • 1. To fill up; to make full or complete. [Obs.] "Fulfill her week" --Gen. xxix. 27. [1913 Webster]
  • Suffer thou that the children be fulfilled first, for it is not good to take the bread of children and give to hounds. --Wyclif (Mark vii. 27). [1913 Webster]
  • 2. To accomplish or carry into effect, as an intention, promise, or prophecy, a desire, prayer, or requirement, etc.; to complete by performance; to answer the requisitions of; to bring to pass, as a purpose or design; to effectuate. [1913 Webster]
  • He will, fulfill the desire of them fear him. --Ps. cxlv. 199. [1913 Webster]
  • Here Nature seems fulfilled in all her ends. --Milton. [1913 Webster]
  • Servants must their masters' minds fulfill. --Shak. [1913 Webster]