'Fluor' definitions:

Definition of 'fluor'

From: WordNet
A soft mineral (calcium fluoride) that is fluorescent in ultraviolet light; chief source of fluorine [syn: fluorite, fluorspar, fluor]

Definition of 'Fluor'

  • Fluor \Flu"or\, n. [L., a flowing, fr. fluere to flow. See Fluent.]
  • 1. A fluid state. [Obs.] --Sir I. Newton. [1913 Webster]
  • 2. Menstrual flux; catamenia; menses. [Obs.] [1913 Webster]
  • 3. (Min.) See Fluorite. [1913 Webster]

Definition of 'fluor'

  • Fluorite \Flu"or*ite\, n. (Min.) Calcium fluoride (CaF2), a mineral of many different colors, white, yellow, purple, green, red, etc., often very beautiful, crystallizing commonly in cubes with perfect octahedral cleavage; also massive. It is used as a flux. Some varieties are used for ornamental vessels. Also called {fluor spar}, or simply fluor. [1913 Webster]

Words containing 'Fluor'