'Felis concolor' definitions:

Definition of 'Felis concolor'

From: WordNet
Large American feline resembling a lion [syn: cougar, puma, catamount, mountain lion, painter, panther, Felis concolor]

Definition of 'Felis concolor'

  • Puma \Pu"ma\ (p[=u]"m[.a]), n. [Peruv. puma.] (Zool.) A large American carnivore (Felis concolor), found from Canada to Patagonia, especially among the mountains. Its color is tawny, or brownish yellow, without spots or stripes. Called also catamount, cougar, American lion, {mountain lion}, and panther or painter. [1913 Webster]

Definition of 'Felis concolor'

  • Cougar \Cou"gar\ (k??"g?r), n. [F. couguar, from the native name in the South American dialects, cuguacuara, cuguacuarana.] (Zool.) An American feline quadruped (Felis concolor), resembling the African panther in size and habits. Its color is tawny, without spots; hence writers often called it the {American lion}. Called also puma, panther, mountain lion, and catamount. See Puma. [1913 Webster]