'Equivalence' definitions:

Definition of 'equivalence'

From: WordNet
A state of being essentially equal or equivalent; equally balanced; "on a par with the best" [syn: equality, equivalence, equation, par]
Essential equality and interchangeability [ant: nonequivalence]
Qualities that are comparable; "no comparison between the two books"; "beyond compare" [syn: comparison, compare, equivalence, comparability]

Definition of 'Equivalence'

  • Equivalence \E*quiv"a*lence\ ([-e]*kw[i^]v"[.a]*lens), n. [Cf. F. ['e]quivalence, LL. aequivalentia.]
  • 1. The condition of being equivalent or equal; equality of worth, value, signification, or force; as, an equivalence of definitions. [1913 Webster]
  • 2. Equal power or force; equivalent amount. [1913 Webster]
  • 3. (Chem.) (a) The quantity of the combining power of an atom, expressed in hydrogen units; the number of hydrogen atoms can combine with, or be exchanged for; valency. See Valence. (b) The degree of combining power as determined by relative weight. See Equivalent, n., 2. [R.] [1913 Webster]

Definition of 'Equivalence'

  • Equivalence \E*quiv"a*lence\, v. t. To be equivalent or equal to; to counterbalance. [R.] --Sir T. Browne. [1913 Webster]