'Enlistment' definitions:
Definition of 'enlistment'
From: WordNet
A period of time spent in military service [syn: enlistment, hitch, term of enlistment, tour of duty, duty tour, tour]
The act of enlisting (as in a military service)
Definition of 'Enlistment'
- Enlistment \En*list"ment\, n.
- 1. The act or enlisting, or the state of being enlisted; voluntary enrollment to serve as a soldier or a sailor. [1913 Webster]
- 2. The writing by which an enlisted man is bound. [1913 Webster]
Synonyms of 'enlistment'
From: Moby Thesaurus
- acceptance,
- admission,
- admittance,
- allurement,
- baptism,
- blandishment,
- booking,
- cajolement,
- cajolery,
- call,
- call-up,
- cataloging,
- chronicling,
- coaxing,
- compulsory military service,
- conning,
- conscription,
- continuous tenure,
- draft,
- draft call,
- drafting,
- engagement,
- enrollment,
- entering,
- entry,
- exhortation,
- hitch,
- hortation,
- immission,
- impanelment,
- impressment,
- inauguration,
- indexing,
- inducement,
- induction,
- initiation,
- inscribing,
- inscription,
- insertion,
- installation,
- instatement,
- intromission,
- inventorying,
- investiture,
- jawboning,
- levy,
- listing,
- lobbying,
- logging,
- matriculation,
- mobilization,
- muster,
- ordination,
- persuasion,
- posting,
- preaching,
- preachment,
- press,
- prison term,
- record keeping,
- recordation,
- recording,
- recruiting,
- recruitment,
- register,
- registration,
- registry,
- sales talk,
- salesmanship,
- selective service,
- selling,
- snow job,
- soft soap,
- solicitation,
- stretch,
- suasion,
- summons,
- sweet talk,
- tabulation,
- tenure,
- term,
- time,
- tour,
- wheedling,
- working on