'Diacritic' definitions:

Definition of 'diacritic'

From: WordNet
Capable of distinguishing; "students having superior diacritic powers"; "the diacritic elements in culture"- S.F.Nadel [syn: diacritic, diacritical]
A mark added to a letter to indicate a special pronunciation [syn: diacritical mark, diacritic]

Definition of 'Diacritic'

  • Diacritic \Di`a*crit"ic\, Diacritical \Di`a*crit"ic*al\, a. [Gr. ?, fr. ? to separate, distinguish; dia` through + ? to separate. See Critic.] That separates or distinguishes; -- applied to points or marks used to distinguish letters of similar form, or different sounds of the same letter, as, [=a], [a^], [aum], [=o], [o^], etc. "Diacritical points." --Sir W. Jones. [1913 Webster]
  • A glance at this typography will reveal great difficulties, which diacritical marks necessarily throw in the way of both printer and writer. --A. J. Ellis. [1913 Webster]

Words containing 'Diacritic'